
Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort after eating cold or hot foods or liquids or even breathing cold air. It is one of the most common complaints among dental patients.


Most commonly, cases of dentine hypersensitivity are associated with erosion or gingival recession. when the hard enamel is worn down or gums have receded the porous dentin becomes exposed. The nerve endings in the dentin can be irritated by cold or hot timperatures, sweet or sour foods, as well as brushing or flossing.


Tips to decrease tooth sensitivity:


1. Brush gently with a soft toothbrush twice/day using a low abrasion desensitizing toothpaste


2. Having professional tooth cleaning, oral hygiene instructions and fluoride treatments.


3. Avoid highly acidic foods like citrus or soda pop that can work against the sensitivity toothpaste


Treatment for dentine hypersensitivity can be administered professionally in the office, or by self-care at home, depending on the severity, extent and persistence of the pain and the patient’s preference.

Ignoring your sensitive teeth can lead to other oral health problems, especially if the pain causes you to brush poorly making you vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease.

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Our office is located in Downtown West Calgary.


502, 922 5th Ave SW

Calgary, AB, T2P 5R4


Evening and weekend appointment available


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